Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Week in Maps

First week of a 3 week hard cycle started with me sleeping in .Mondaynitis is hard to beat . But I did do my long run in the evening with a 1.50 just under 19.5km run.the garmin was playing up and I don't have an accurate moving average. I ran at medium pace and was comfortable so I am happy with the longest run so far since my City to Surf marathon several weeks earlier.

Tuesday morning I was planning on a hard hour ride but Ross decided on a time trial so I decided to just do the time was hard work even if it was a 20km ride and really only ended up riding for just over an hour. Not my fastest time trial but will do as my quads were sore from the previous nights run.

Backed up the ride with run training in the evening at perry lakes. It was a hard session without Brad there .Did 45 minutes at Threshold pace which for me was 4.43 min/km .I managed to stay at the pace or under it for the session.I ended up running about 13.5km with the warm up and cool down and recovery sessions between. The legs were like jelly after the run. The last bit on the map was me driving off with my Garmin still on so it doesn't count .

Wednesday morning made it to swim session. I had a 600m warm up but only did 500 and then some drills with 25m fist and 25m free x 6 and then the main set was 200 at threshold and 200 at medium x 2 followed by 100m at threshold and 100m at medium x 4 and 50 m at threshold and 50m medium x 3 for a total of 1500m and then a cool down of 3 x 50m breast and 50 free for a total of 2.6km . The legs were not feeling too bad but my arms were sore.

I was not able to run in the evening as I had a meeting from 6pm so I ran at lunch time .I did a steady but slow 10km. The run up to Kings Park was a little painful but I managed to get comfortable all the way to the University and then back .
It was a solid run and I was just trying to keep the pace at about 5.30 .

Sunrise at Reabold Hill Thursday morning hill repeats

Thursday morning , I was up early enough and drove into the city as I had appointments outside the office so could not ride to work. i then rode to Reabold Hill and did my hill repeats .saw Joe at Shenton Park . I managed 5 climbs before riding round the river via City beach and Fremantle . It was a nice day but along West Coast drive there was a lot of traffic and a couple of large trucks whizzing along.A tanker came within a foot of me and really seemed totally oblivious . He did not try to keep a wide berth but actually seemed to try and get as close to me to just give me a scare .the other truckies at least veered round me safely.

From Fremantle it was Point Preston Road and a lot safer with less traffic.I sat behind a group of cyclist and one of them was just cycling with pedals and joggers . I enjoyed the ride round the river and took a turn in the front of the pack .

Managed to get round and do the Hill work in 2 hours.

Friday was a relatively easy day .i cycled to swim training and it was a hard session simply because there was lots of back and brushstroke in it.Did a 700m warm up with 100 free and 50 back and 50 breast x 3.5 times then drills for 300m and the main set was 50 back easy and 50 free fast followed by 50m breast easy and 50m free fast x 4.5 and cool down was 100m kick x 2 and 100m back and 100m breast.I just did the kick and a 100m free for a total of 2.3km . Cycled to breakfast and work.In the evening i ran along the river with an easy 30 plus minutes .i did about 6Km. It was a calm windless day. I then cycled home .It was dark by the time I got back which was not the best given that drivers tend to be tired and less observant.

Did not run or cycle with my Garmin on Friday. These next 3 weeks will be the fun part of the training.

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