Friday, August 26, 2011

The Difference Between Pleasure and Pain

This is suppose to be a relatively light week . I decided rest was better than a run on Sunday after a relatively hard Saturday bike /run combination of 4 plus hours. The legs thanked me for it. I spent Sunday driving to York and spending time with Jonathan as my daughter performed in a musical. It was a beautiful day .

Monday I slept in and missed my swim .As I was unable to attend the evening session it is a missed session.I did run in the evening for just over an hour.

Tuesday was  the start of my hard day. I got to Nedlands and Ross put me with a faster group .i unfortunately rode with a different group but it was just as hard .I tried to keep up my turn in front and largely succeeded .It was the hardest session since my training started as seen in the stats on the Garmin. The legs weren't completed wasted. I did have a bit of a coughing fit at the end from my sport induced asthma .

In the evening it was down to the track for an interval session. It was a 2km warmup and then a 400m and 800m set at         "I " pace with a similar recovery period done 3 times .Everyone had to plank for a minute at the end of each set but I just ran and did a plank at the end with a cool down. A total of 10km . I was running a little faster than my " Ï"pace unfortunately.

Chuckie V has again espoused wisdom in triathlon. he speaks of the top in the field learning from many sources, having the desire , the guidance and direction and the right genes help. Chuckie says in Chuckie V's blog : Seek and destroy :

In all sincerity, desire, or a dearth of it, isn't usually the reason an athlete fails to achieve what they've set out to do. It is more common that he or she…

•Lacks proper direction

•Sees no use in training well

•Has little or no incentive to train well

•Finds training more aversive than gratifying

•Gets easily distracted from his or her goals

•Is inattentive to the purpose in/of training
 "Strength does not come from winning," he says. "It's the struggles that develop your strengths. And when you go through hardships without surrendering, that is strength." And that's exactly what it takes to fulfill your potential (meaningless as though potential is): a never say die attitude. That, and an unquenchable thirst for better understanding.
Of the sport.

Of your competition.

Of the science.

Of "what it takes."

Of yourself.
On Wednesday it was the usual swim session in the morning although i struggled a little and in the afternoon I ran 10km at lunch time . Thursday was suppose to be a ride to work day but I decided to just have a good rest and with work Friday became a rest day as well . With the Marathon on Sunday it didn't seem useful doing anything heavy.

Got my Bib for the City to Surf on Sunday . Will have an easy Saturday and use Sunday as a good long training run.

Finally had a quick browse on Chrissie Wellington's website and her favourite quote is:

“Be the change you want to see in the world” (Gandhi)


  1. All the best in your marathon. Time to access how your hard weeks of training pans out for you. May you have a memorable and rewarding event tomorrow!

  2. thanks Enrico was a hard run without the mileage in the lead up to the race but did a PB 3.45. Next stage is a 3.30.
